
  • How Trump Got a Foothold

    Most people think the Republicans and far right faction found Trump and made him their king, but have you ever considered that he found them instead? Say what you will about Trump, he does have many talents. He wouldn’t have been able to take over the Republican party and half the electorate in the United… Continue reading

  • On Politics

    There’s an old saying that if you want to keep your friends, never discuss religion or politics. – or something like that. Yeah, I can definitely see how that would be a bad idea.  When it comes to politics, I don’t consider myself left or right; I’m right there in the centre. And that isn’t… Continue reading

  • Could Trump Take Over?

    Could Trump destroy democracy and install a fascist government?  Surely, the US, a beacon for democracy around the globe and the leader of the free world, would never allow such a thing to happen, right? Undoubtedly, there are safe-guards in place to keep that from gaining a foothold, right? Yes, to an extent, but that… Continue reading

  • How to lose half your audience

    I’m a middle of the road kinda guy when it comes to politics. Leaning neither left nor right, I like making up my mind after hearing the facts, not because I feel as though I should try to appease to other people or some organization.  Talking about politics is a dangerous thing for anyone who… Continue reading