• A Trip to The Void and Non-Existence

    8 years ago, I had a life-changing experience. It was a Saturday night. I had a few glasses of wine with my girlfriend in our apartment and because it was close to Valentine’s Day, I’d also had some dark chocolate.  We were getting ready to start our usual Saturday night scrabble game, but I had… Continue reading

  • On Politics

    There’s an old saying that if you want to keep your friends, never discuss religion or politics. – or something like that. Yeah, I can definitely see how that would be a bad idea.  When it comes to politics, I don’t consider myself left or right; I’m right there in the centre. And that isn’t… Continue reading

  • Could Trump Take Over?

    Could Trump destroy democracy and install a fascist government?  Surely, the US, a beacon for democracy around the globe and the leader of the free world, would never allow such a thing to happen, right? Undoubtedly, there are safe-guards in place to keep that from gaining a foothold, right? Yes, to an extent, but that… Continue reading

  • Waste On A Grand Scale

    In my last post, I talked about how all our experiences, knowledge, skills, and talents are ultimately wasted once we die. A high achiever will end up in exactly the same place as someone who did nothing with their life. A rich person will have the same fate as a poor person. It’s a shame… Continue reading

  • You Can’t Take It With You

    Isn’t it funny how you can spend your whole life perfecting your craft, only to have it all come to an inevitable end?  But that’s the big picture, isn’t it? That’s life and whether it makes sense or not, it’s totally out of our control. In our few years here on earth, we should have… Continue reading

  • Blips On The Radar

    I just read a meme on FB:  “It’s a short trip, enjoy it.”  That’s one that I’ve seen many times before, however, for some reason, it really resonated with me this time; but not in the way you might think. I know the meaning of the quote is that you better enjoy your life, your… Continue reading

  • A New Speech Trend I’ve Noticed

    What is going on with speech in North America these days? I am talking, in particular, about sounding the letter “T” in words like mountain and important. Mountain – Mao-in Important – Impor-int I’m not sure how long it’s been going on, but younger people (and some older people mimicking younger people to sound cool)… Continue reading

  • Warning: Wednesday Morning Rant

    First of all, I’m not saying I’m perfect or that I’m some sort of grammatical perfectionist, but here’s the thing: If you want people to read your posts on social media, take a moment to make sure they are readable. It only takes a minute. There’s nothing more annoying than having to re-read a comment… Continue reading

  • Just Get Your Content Out There

    Almost anyone can start a blog. But that’s really the easy part, isn’t it? I mean, even if you are completely clueless when it comes to websites and web admin, there are ways to get started that require very little technical knowhow. I won’t get into it here, but if you search around, you can… Continue reading

  • It’s Pretty Quiet Out There

    Something just doesn’t add up. Apparently, we are on the verge of an AI revolution. In the future, AI may even be the dominant entity on this planet. Given that it will continuously improve upon itself once it’s sentient and has the technical capability (which, apparently, is not too far off), does it not make… Continue reading