• Does Russia Have a Point?

    My heart breaks for the people of Ukraine. As a Canadian, it’s hard to imagine how I would feel if there were an army invading Toronto or Ottawa this minute, blowing our most iconic landmarks to bits as they pressed on to remove the government. It’s beyond comprehension.  Yet, the images coming across our screens… Continue reading

  • How to Increase Your Writing Productivity 

    If you run a blog, you know that content is the lifeblood of your website. Unless you constantly push out content, you’ll never be able to gain any traction. Articles are an investment – an asset that can continue to provide income for years as your blog becomes more popular.  Not to mention, search engines… Continue reading

  • Big Tech and Ad Tracking

    As a modern human, it’s almost impossible to avoid being targeted by one of the big tech companies. Let me explain: Tech companies have millions of users because people enjoy their platform and find it very useful and entertaining. But these tech giants don’t provide this service for free. Sure, there is no actual cost… Continue reading

  • Fusion Power

    How important is fusion power? Well, it could literally save humanity – so yeah, it’s important. The problem? It’s not quite there yet, and we need it now.  For anyone who doesn’t know, our current nuclear reactors use fission power to generate electricity. Fission power is created by splitting atoms to release huge amounts of… Continue reading

  • Why You Need More Money

    “I need more money. “ How often do you catch your inner voice telling you this? For me, I think it just plays over and over, day in, day out, on autopilot. It’s so ingrained into me that I probably don’t notice anymore.  But does one really need more money for a better life? That,… Continue reading

  • How to lose half your audience

    I’m a middle of the road kinda guy when it comes to politics. Leaning neither left nor right, I like making up my mind after hearing the facts, not because I feel as though I should try to appease to other people or some organization.  Talking about politics is a dangerous thing for anyone who… Continue reading

  • Overanalyzing Decisions

    Overanalyzing decisions is something that we all deal with to some extent. Are you the type of person that is slow to make a decision and act on it for fear of making the wrong choice? That was me to a “T” not so many years ago. I was so fearful of making the wrong… Continue reading

  • Niche Blog or Multiple Topic Blog

    One of the biggest decisions you can make for your website. When you first start a blog, there are a million things running through your head at the same time. What platform will I use? What host? What about topics? Should I write about my vacation destinations or about my stamp collection? Am I going… Continue reading

  • Customer Service or Lack Thereof

    A little respect is all I expect. Sometimes I don’t even get that. In all the jobs I’ve ever had, one thing that’s always been hammered into us is that you treat customers with respect and courtesy. In my current job, customer service/relations is a mandatory course that everyone takes and it’s upgraded just about… Continue reading

  • Feeling My Age (Sometimes)

    Age becomes the great equalizer later in life. If you’re like me, you’re not feeling your age right now – at least not mentally. I mean, where did the years go? It just doesn’t make sense. In my mind, I’m decades younger – that is, until I happen to catch a reflection of myself in… Continue reading